WebServices for Astrobin’s API REST
Table of contents
- Requirements
- Introduction
- Installing
- WebServices
- Responses
- Running the tests
- Contributes
- Bugs and issues
- Authors
- Licence
Version 2.6.2
- PHP 8.2 min or superior (oldest versions are no longer supported)
- API Key and API Secret from Astrobin
Astrobin’s WebServices is a PHP library for request Astrobin’s API Rest and get amazing astrophotographies hosted on Astrobin. Please read API section in “Terms of service”
You can install this package in 2 different ways.
- Basic installation; just install package from composer :
composer require hamhamfonfon/astrobin-ws
Update to the newest version :
composer update hamhamfonfon/astrobin-ws
If you’re using old PHP versions:
- PHP 8.1
composer require hamhamfonfon/astrobin-ws:2.5
- PHP 7.4 | 8.0
composer require hamhamfonfon/astrobin-ws:2.4
- PHP 7.3
composer require hamhamfonfon/astrobin-ws:2.3
Caution, these versions are not maintained anymore. Only 2.6.* will be maintained and will have new features.
- If you just want to make some issues, make some simple tests etc, juste clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:HamHamFonFon/Astrobin-Webservices.git
First, set your keys in .env file :
Example without framework:
# Get variables
$astrobinApiKey = getenv('ASTROBIN_API_KEY');
$astrobinApiSecret = getenv('ASTROBIN_API_SECRET');
# Get data from Astrobin
$imageWs = new GetImage($astrobinApiKey, $astrobinApiSecret);
$astrobinImage = $imageWs->getById('astrobinImageId');
Example with Symfony:
astrobinApiKey: '%env(ASTROBIN_API_KEY)%'
astrobinApiSecret: '%env(ASTROBIN_API_SECRET)%'
# default configuration for services in *this* file
autowire: true # Automatically injects dependencies in your services.
autoconfigure: true # Automatically registers your services as commands, event subscribers, etc.
$astrobinApiKey: '%astrobinApiKey%'
$astrobinApiSecret: '%astrobinApiSecret%'
use AstrobinWs\Response\DTO\AstrobinResponse;use AstrobinWs\Services\GetImage;
final class MyImageService
private GetImage $astrobinImage;
* MyImageService constructor.
* @param string|null $astrobinApiKey
* @param string|null $astrobinApiSecret
public function __construct(?string $astrobinApiKey, ?string $astrobinApiSecret)
$this->astrobinImage = new GetImage($astrobinApiKey, $astrobinApiSecret);
public function getImageById(): ?AstrobinResponse
return $this->astrobinImage->getImageById('1234');
public function getOrionNebula(): ?AstrobinResponse
$orionNebula = $this->astrobinImage->getImagesBySubject('m42', 10);
// ...
return $orionNebula;
public function getImagesOfSiovene(): ?AstrobinResponse
$imagesBySiovene = $this->astrobinImage->getImagesByUser('siovene', 10);
return $imagesBySiovene;
public function getImagesByManyFilters(): ?AstrobinResponse
$filters = [
'user' => 'toto',
'subjects' => 'm31',
'description__icontains' => 'wind'
$listImages = $this->astrobinImage->getImageBy($filters, 10);
return $listImages;
The library expose 3 WebServices, each with these methods below.
GetImage :
| Function name | Parameter| Response |
| ————- | —————————— |—————————– |
| getById()
| $id
| Image
| getImageById()
| $id
| Image
| getImagesBySubject()
| $subjectId
| ListImage
| getImagesByTitle()
| $title
| ListImage
| getImagesByDescription()
| $description
| ListImage
| getImagesByUser()
| $userName
| ListImage
| getImagesByRangeDate()
| $dateFromStr
(ex: 2018-04-01), $dateToStr
(2018-04-31 or null) | ListImage
| getImageBy()
| $filters
| ListImage
is an alias of getById()
for version 1.0.0. retro-compatibility.
List of filters that can be used in getImageBy()
Filter name | Comment |
subjects |
Used in getImagesBySubject() method, search by subject |
user |
Used in getImagesByUser() method, search by username |
title__icontains |
Used in getImagesByTitle() method, search by case-insensitive, partial title |
description__icontains |
Used in getImagesByDescription() method, search by case-insensitive, partial description |
__startswith |
__endswith |
__contains |
__istartswith |
__iendswith |
GetTodayImage :
Function name | Parameter | Response |
getDayImage() |
$offset , limit = 1 |
ListToday |
getTodayImage() |
Today |
GetCollection :
Function name | Parameter | Response |
getById() |
$id |
Collection |
DEPRECATED getCollectionByUser() |
$user ,$limit |
ListCollection |
Parameter $limit
is mandatory and must be an integer.
| Function name | Parameter | Response |
|——————|————-|—————————– |
| getById()
| $id
| User
| getByUername()
| $username
| User
/!\ For all webservices, parameter $id
must be a string and not an integer or float.
| Parameter | Description |
| title
| Title of image |
| subjects
| Keywords |
| description
| Description |
| url_gallery
| URL of image for gallery |
| url_thumb
| URL of image , thumb size |
| url_regular
| URL of image |
| user
| Username |
| url_histogram
| URL to histogram |
| url_skyplot
| URL to skyplot |
| url_solution
| |
| url_advanced_skyplot_small
| URL to advanced skyplot |
| views
| Count of views |
| likes
| Count of likes |
| Parameter| Description |
| ————- | —————————— |
| listImages
| List of images |
| Parameter| Description |
| ————- | —————————— |
| id
| Identifier|
| name
| Name of collection|
| description
| Description|
| user
User name|
| date_created
| Date of creation|
| date_updated
| Date of modification|
| images
| Path of WS Image|
| Parameter| Description |
| ————- | —————————— |
| listCollection
| List of collection with list of images|
| Parameter| Description |
| ————- |——————————————–|
| date
| Date of image (Y-m-d format) |
| image
| instance of Image::class as today |
| resource_uri
| URI of today image |
| Parameter | Description |
|—————| —————————— |
| id
| |
| username
| |
| avatar
| |
| about
| |
| image_count
| |
| job
| |
| hobbies
| |
| language
| |
| website
| |
I accept contributions, please fork the project and submit pull requests.
Bugs and issues
In case you find some bugs or have question about Astrobin-WebServices, open an issue and I will answer you as soon as possible.
Install package for debugging
Retrieve code-source
Clone repository from GitHub
git clone git@github.com:HamHamFonFon/Astrobin-WebServices.git
Run docker
Build, compile and up docker container
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -ti php_astrobin_ws bash
Install dependencies
composer install
Run Rector
# Init
./vendor/bin/rector init
# Run
./vendor/bin/rector process src --dry-run
Run PHP CodeSnifer
php ./vendor/bin/phpcs -p -n --standard=PSR12 src
Apply PHPCBF (fix and beautify PHPCS errors):
php ./vendor/bin/phpcbf src/path/to/file.php
Stéphane Méaudre - balistik.fonfon@gmail.com - 2023
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details